
Happy… smelling home made soup simmering on the stove, anticipating going out on a romantic date, appreciating having a much needed babysitter for the evening… day to you.

Ah, yes, I feel those happy beats.


Dear ‘LB’ friends,

Closing out this year, I was thinking about what to share. I thought, once again, about the Little Drummer Boy; all He had to share was the beat of his drum. As I relived the melody, I heard the stanza of the beat of his drum… 🎵PaRumPaPumPum, RumPumPaPum. It’s a catchy beat but, once again, a message can be overlooked.

Even though we have celebrated Christmas, we can heed to a needful reminder that can be applied to our new year. It definitely is a reminder for me. The drummer boy gave his message to the infant King by the sounds of his drum; his communication. Each beat told of his love and adoration; what a simple, but profound way, to express his heart.

This simple gesture can cause us to reflect on our communications. Have we ever thought about the fact we give messages everyday to others in meetings at work, home with our families, or our friends through different mediums on the phone, texting, emailing, face time or in person? Also we can consider the many strangers we pass in our cars, those at the grocery store while we hurriedly push our grocery carts, accidentally bumping into each other at malls or athletic events.

What is our ‘RumPumPa Pum’ we give to them? It is surely a message of some sort. I believe, in our hearts, we want to be a bearer of good news and tidings; but, life gets stressed and people react with tension, anxiety and anger. Their ‘RumPumPa’ messages to us with our reactionary messages to them and others loses our hearts desire to be a blessing. It becomes a reactionary cycle that gets carried out in days, months and even years. We wake up one day and think, How did I get here? I don’t want to be a negative person. I don’t want others to think of me that way. I haven’t always been like this. I remember being happy and excited about life. What happened?

If we think about it long enough, we can trace back when our hearts began to change from a carefree child to a disgruntled adult. Our reflections may reveal held on offenses for some injustices done to us. The perpetrators have long since moved on with their lives but, we are left with the negative, mental baggage. Sound familiar?

We are all in this together. But, we also have to remember, we could have been the perpetrator and didn’t realize it. There have been times I have found out that I wounded another without taking the time to measure my words. The unfortunate thing is, years go by with more layers being added to our wounded souls. We then wake up one day and think, what happened?

But, there is good news. We can break out of the negative, deadly cycle. I say deadly because of the damage that occurs with detrimental thoughts, words and actions. Do you know negative, resentful, bitter thoughts are toxic? All our thoughts get recorded in our brains and get transmitted to our whole body and can result in disease. I’ll talk more about its impact on our bodies in other reflections.

The scripture exhorts us to guard our hearts with all diligence for out of it proceeds the issues of life.* Guarding our hearts means to basically think about what we are thinking. Are our thoughts good, peaceful, loving, edifying and encouraging? Or has our hearts gotten wrapped with stress, anger, resentment and fear because of people and events in life. When we chronically think on the negative side, our bodies react with many of diseases so common today.

So, let’s purpose, in our new year, to watch our thoughts and communications. Receiving Jesus into our lives, reading His Word, learning to love Him and asking for His enabling to change, can break us out of the deadly, negative words cycle. He waits for us to ask. It is our ‘PaRumPaPumPum’ beating out the messages of our heart.

Until next time….

*Proverbs 4:23

If you or someone you know, has had similar experiences and want to talk to someone, they can contact Dawne at 1-833-644-3600. She is a compassionate and effective professional with years of experience helping families, individuals and children. For more information click CONTACT option at top of page.


#LifeBeatsCorner #CreativeWriting #Inspiration #DrummerGirl #SelfHelp #Hope

The Story Of The Porcelain Doll

Happy… a baby’s wide open toothless smile, a contented sleeping dog by the fireplace, the relief felt after a tiring day when our head finally hits the pillow…day to you.

 These are all happy beats, let’s look for them.


Dear ‘LB’ friends,

The upcoming story about the porcelain doll is laced with sadness but ends with victory.


Once upon a time there was a little girl who lived in a poverty section of a large city. The streets looked the same as many tired, depressed areas in other towns. Her clothes were worn and many times dirty. It was hard for her mother to hand wash all the clothes from the kitchen sink. Her house had only three rooms, a small kitchen, small bedroom with an oil stove in the center of it to heat the house, and a small living room. The one bedroom was cramped since five people slept in it.

She had a mother, father, older sister and brother. She didn’t know there was anything unusual about her house since the other houses on her block were also small and old. However, there was one slightly larger house with four rooms in it. It contained a living room, kitchen and two bedrooms. She liked going there to see her friend because her rotund mother always had the delicious smell of soup enveloping the house.

She was hungry often but, didn’t let the mother know. Because, even at that young age, she was ashamed of her lack of food. She tried to pretend everything was fine and played in the small, weed filled back yard with her brother and sister. They didn’t have many toys, but were creative in doing fun things. When oil was bought, they used the empty oil drum to stand on and roll across the yard. There were many times of falling off backward hitting the hard dirt. But, they kept trying laughing at each others mishaps.

Her days were creative but it was the nights she dread. Her parents were alcoholics and fought bitterly. Many nights she would be awake listening and seeing their violence. She was always so afraid her mother would be hurt. She tried to intervene but due to her small size, was unsuccessful. She screamed, “Dad stop! Don’t hurt Mom!” Crying, she kept looking toward the bedroom window waiting for the rays of daylight to filter in because she knew when it was daybreak, they would finally stop their fighting and fall sleep. She then could allow her eyes to close.

Days went by and one day, when she was six years of age during Christmas time, she saw a  porcelain doll on display at a department store. It was the most beautiful doll she had ever seen. It had a red laced dress with white lace stockings and shiny black shoes. The doll’s face was finely etched with delicate features of perfectly shaped rose colored lips, blue eyes and golden blond hair.

She begged her parents to get her one for Christmas. “Please, please get me the blond hair porcelain doll at the department store!” It was all she thought about. Every day she hoped it would arrive at their three room house. One day she saw a wrapped box the size of a doll under the Christmas tree. She was so excited! She couldn’t wait for Christmas but, had an under lying dread. On previous Christmas Eves her Dad, in a rage, threw the Christmas tree down.

She pushed the nagging feeling away and thought, it won’t happen this year. Day after day she looked under the tree to see if the box was still in tact with thoughts, it’s ok. It’s ok! So, finally Christmas Eve arrived and she went to bed in anticipation of opening the box. The underlying feeling proved out when her Dad, after a night of drinking at the bars, in a rage threw the Christmas tree to the floor.

She awoke to shouts and the crashing of the Christmas tree with the ornaments breaking and sliding across the floor. She thought, oh no! Not my doll! She jumped out of bed and peered under the sprawling tree searching for the box. She found it under broken colored ornaments and green boughs and with shaking hands she opened the box. It was the porcelain doll! She had the lacy red dress, white lace socks and shiny black shoes. She was so excited! 

She pulled her anticipated doll out of the box but to her dismay, the beautiful doll’s head with its beautiful blond hair and finely etched features rolled out of the box landing on the floor. She looked at it for a long time but, didn’t know what to do. Thoughts ran through her mind, oh no, my doll, it’s broke! She tried to put it back on top of the doll’s body, but it kept falling off. After a time of anxious attempts, with a sinking heart, she took the doll, threw it in the trash can and never asked for another Christmas present from her parents.

That memory stayed with the little girl throughout her adult years. One day she relayed the story to her older sister Angie.* Upon hearing the long ago memory, Angie said, “You know what you should do? Why don’t you buy yourself a porcelain doll? I know you don’t want or need one now because you have out grown the desire but, that’s not the point. You were stolen the joy of that doll and you need to replace it. Right now, all you have is a bad memory.”

The now grown woman felt there might be something to her wise, sister’s suggestion because she felt something start to break up deep within her and felt tears come to her eyes. The layers of grief covered by life’s distractions started to crumble like a dry, wilted flower; those feelings that were deep inside her of the sorrow of a little six year old girl. Not only of a treasured doll being broken but, also years of violence, lack and upheaval to an innocent child.

She pondered what to do. She knew the devastating effect of her childhood but didn’t realize it was still inside her causing an underlying sadness. She thought, I didn’t know I still felt the pain of so many years ago. Maybe Angie is right. I need to get over this memory. I need to pray releasing the memory and also buy a porcelain doll and see it for a blessing to replace one of the damages of my childhood.   

So, the grown up little girl decided to buy a beautiful porcelain doll. She will find just the right one and place it under her Christmas tree at Christmas. It will have an honored spot so she can see it every time she passes by the twinkling Pine. Nestled and safe among colored lights and green boughs, it will always stay a treasure. Her new, hopeful memory will replace the old painful loss signifying that which was stolen is now replaced with joy and gratitude.


So, dear ‘LBs’, I tell you this story in hopes it will heal something within those who feel a loss at Christmas time. Your memory may not be of a treasured doll that was broken. But, your ‘happening’ may be severe in its impact. We must not stay victims to our youth or older years. Many of us have lost loved ones or a dream was shattered, a breakup occurred, a family member away from home or even a loss of a beloved pet, to name a few. The Lord heals our hearts and turns our mourning into joy.* He will tell you what you can do to break out of the ashes of the past.* 

Do as the grown up woman did; pray and release the memory. We all have our own way to pray, but an example might be, “Father, in the name of Jesus, I thank You for hearing my prayer about ______________. You know the ache I feel in my heart when it happened. I give the moment and memory to you. It has stayed with me affecting my joy of life. Please accept it and take the pain and sorrow away. I thank You for helping me to break out of the ashes of the past* and I want to know You more.”

Just as the woman needed someone to help her, you might need some one to help you. There is a contact person at the bottom of this story who can help. 

This is a wonderful time of the year to receive your freedom. Jesus was born to set the captives free…us free.* All you have to do is ask Him. He is waiting with open arms. 

Oh yes, I will be looking for the perfect porcelain doll and place it under my Christmas tree as we celebrate Jesus’s birthday. It will be safely housed along with any other presents. I guarantee the tree won’t be thrown to the floor breaking the colored ornaments and green boughs.

Until next time…

*Fictitious name;  *Jeremiah 31: 13, 35;  *Isaiah 61: 1, 3  *Luke 4:18

If you or someone you know, has had similar experiences and want to talk to someone, they can contact Dawne at 1-833-644-3600. She is a compassionate and effective professional with years of experience helping families, individuals and children. For more information click CONTACT option at top of page.


#LifeBeatsCorner #CreativeWriting #Inspiration #DrummerGirl #SelfHope #Hope

A Can Of Thanksgivings

Happy… longed for visits from family, the smell of turkey and yummy pies baking in the oven, the feel of arms embrace while closing your eyes taking in all the love… day to you.

So-o good, let’s feel these happy beats.


Dear ‘LB’ friends,

Don’t you love this time of year? For many of us in our rush, time driven world, we can lose the appreciation of the wonderful days called Thanksgiving and Christmas. I will be sharing in forthcoming remembrances holiday experiences of my family and myself. 

Early on in our marriage, I wanted to create good memories for my family. My husband already experienced many happy ones but, I had to start from scratch. I remember my Dad fixing a turkey and making a whole turkey baking pan full of dressing. He put eggs, celery, poultry seasoning and any thing else to his liking in it. It tasted so good. I always loved the crusty part of the dressing in the bottom of the pan. This was a  good memory of my childhood so it stood out to me. 

I wanted to give memories to my children and always baked turkey, dressing (never could make it as good as Dad’s), green bean casserole, squash casserole, rolls, fruit salad and either made or bought pies (pumpkin for kids and pecan for hubby). I tried to impress upon the children our blessings and how Jesus wants us to be thankful.

As the years went by I thought, I need to make more of an impression for my now older children to understand how important it is to recognize our blessings and thank Jesus for them. So, one day as I was making coffee for Wilton, my husband, I looked at the empty can and thought, What we need to do is write the things we are thankful for throughout the year and put our notes in a can like this. Then we can read them out loud every Thanksgiving and Christmas. What better month than the months we are to remember our blessings and Jesus?  

Can of Thanksgivings

So, I started the month of June telling everyone to start writing the things in which they are thankful and putting them in the can. As each month went by, I reminded them to put answered prayer or any of the many things they hoped would happen in the Thanksgiving can. They heard me say many times, “Don’t forget to put ‘that’ in the can, so we will remember to read it in November and Christmas!”

After many of our prayers, I reminded my husband to, “Let’s put our answer in the can, so we won’t forget how Jesus came through for us again.” Many times I would stop what I was doing and write down things like, Thank you, Father, we were able to get the car at a reduced price. Thank you for the beautiful flowers in the neighborhood today. Thank you, Father, for my husband and children who I love with all my heart. 

The Thanksgiving notes continued over the years as the children grew. They included thanksgiving for a prom dress, part time jobs and even answers to prayer for a Hawaii vacation for hubby and myself. One year, when Thanksgiving rolled around, I noticed Bradley, my son, putting one note after another in the can. I thought, That’s nice, Brad  is wanting to thank the Lord for so many blessings today. Upon further investigation, I discovered he was trying to make up for lost time. He hadn’t been putting notes in the can over the year and knew he had to show something! 

All the notes were treasures. Even the hurried ones written at the last minute, were a source of enjoyment over the years. We continued the tradition until the kids left home to begin their own traditions with their families. I still have the old, now tarnished, coffee can with all of our notes in them and I bring it out when we are all together at Thanksgiving and Christmas and ask for more thankful times to be included. We laugh and say, “Remember when that happened!”


Since we try to visit our family in Colorado in November guess what happened last Thanksgiving. I found an empty can and said to the grandchildren, “I want everyone to write down their thanksgivings and put them in this can. We will all read them this year! I want you to continue writing them all year and every Thanksgiving and Christmas, we will read them too!” So we read them last year as we sat around the kitchen table. The first one I read from my twelve year old grandson said, “I’m thankful for everything!” His mother with a smile said,“Buddy, be more specific. Like what things?” He said smiling, ”Everything.”

He then explained ‘everything’ in detail. He said, “Glad we are a family and all the fun things I have done this year.” We all agreed everything was most assuredly appropriate. I thought later, “I’m thankful for everything” is one of the best things we can say to Jesus. His scripture states in 1Thessalonians 5:18, ‘In every thing give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.’ KJV

I tell you about A Can of Thanksgivings so perhaps you would like to make it part of your yearly traditions. You can be as creative as you want to store the notes. When I did it, being my usual busy day, I proceeded to hurriedly remove the paper from the coffee can and tore a piece of masking tape and taped it to the red can lid with the inscription Thankful Notes Unto Father. It didn’t look very artful but was effective.

Each year I thought, I need to spruce up the thanksgiving can, but never did. So today, it reflects a tarnished can with a hurriedly printed message on the red, plastic lid. Even though it may not win a prize for creativity, it is endearing with its contents. Within the can are treasured memories to the Lord. I don’t think He minds the can being so plain. He received pleasure from the messages from the hearts of His children.

You can take a long time or do it quickly as I did. But they will be delightful memories to share for years from generation to generation and Jesus will be glorified!

Until next time….

If you or someone you know, has had similar experiences and want to talk to someone, they can contact Dawne at 1-833-644-3600. She is a compassionate and effective professional with years of experience helping families, individuals and children. For more information click CONTACT option at top of page.


#LifeBeatsCorner #CreativeWriting #Inspiration #DrummerGirl #SelfHelp #Hope