Memory Tree At Christmas

Happy…glistening white of a snow covered mountain, feeling warm in a new coat on a cold winter day, sipping a warm drink and nibbling delicious yummies in the afternoon…day to you. 

So enjoyable to experience these happy beats… let’s notice.

Merry Christmas! 


Dear ‘LifeBeats’ friends,

This week I’ll tell you of the Memory Tree at Christmas. You’ll understand why I call it Memory Tree after I tell you the story. Wilton, my husband, and I bought live Christmas trees during the first years of our marriage, even cutting one down from the Colorado mountains, until something happened.

We enjoyed decorating the yearly tree and loved the scent of Pine when we walked into the room. Each year we had the same routine of buy the tree, decorate using colored lights, tinsel, ornaments of various sizes and always bought a new ornament to celebrate the year. We also put up two stockings over the fireplace to fill with goodies. I fixed a turkey dinner, stuff ourselves with dressing, green bean casserole, cranberry salad, rolls, pumpkin and pecan pies. (I’m sorry if I made you hungry.) After Christmas we’d carefully take down the decorations and put them into the attic. Then Wilton took the drying tree to the corner for trash removal.

I always tried to keep the dry needles out of the carpet vacuuming carefully but, to my dismay, I sometimes found them weeks later when I walked across the floor in my socks and felt the prick of a sharp needle in my tender feet. We did this routine for a few years but had to do something different with the birth of our baby girl.

Our son, Bradley, was born and three and a half years later along came Debby*.  We had our usual routine of buy and decorate the tree, put up now four stockings over the fireplace, turkey dinner, stuff ourselves with goodies and after Christmas carefully put it all away in the attic. Hubby would then take the dry tree out to the corner. I, of course, tried to pick up loose needles especially since my precious baby was starting to crawl.

It was in the summer when I noticed Debby sitting on the floor trying to put something in her mouth and couldn’t swallow it. I rushed over to her and looked into her mouth. She had somehow found dry Christmas tree needles in the carpet; the same carpet that had been vacuumed for months before! I, of course, carefully removed them from her mouth and throughly inspected the fibers of the rug for any more.

After that time, I determined, no live trees to be bought from now on! We had to buy artificial ones that didn’t dry and leave their needles in the carpet. That was too close of a call. So, at Christmas time, we were off to look for an artificial one that looked real. We found a six foot Pine that had to be assembled. As usual, my capable husband assembled our not as nice, but safe new endeavor. 

During Christmas time, I tried to make enjoyable memories for my family. I always made a recipe of yummy boiled custard passed down from my husband’s grand mother and fixed assorted cookies. I wanted their Christmas experience to be different than mine as a child. We always opened one gift every Christmas Eve and read Christmas stories. I wanted them to know about Jesus and the wonderful reason we celebrate His birth each year.

While the children and Wilton decorated the tree with colored lights, tinsel, different size ornaments plus also decorations they made in school, I made the custard. The creamy custard and chocolate chip cookies became Santa’s treat for delivering the longed for presents. They were always gone the next morning with a grinning husband testifying they were good.

We did this every year until the tree started to lose the ability to hold the branches. So, once again, we were off to find another one. By this time, the children were grown and I thought, We don’t need such a large tree. So we down sized to a four foot table model from the six foot version. As with any down sizing, we had decorations, home made and bought, of many years. We, (or rather I ), began the task of what to discard and what to keep.

 I found myself saying to my husband as I looked at the assembled ornaments, “Oh hon, we can’t get rid of these! They are the ones the kids made in school. They are so adorable! I love them!” Holding up another,  “Remember when I got this one? It is the one I bought with my sister! We both bought the same kind to give to each other as a keepsake…can’t get rid of it!”

Looking at the hand made, red silk and lace ornaments I questioned,  “How can we possibly get rid of the ornaments your Mom made or the six treasures you had when you were a little boy as well as the remaining ornament that didn’t get broken when I was a little girl?… Gotta keep them!My eyes continued to asses the others.“Look at the ones we received as presents from our friends. They are so beautiful. We can’t discard them! It would be like discarding our good times!”

“Oh look, hon, we also have the different years inscribed on some of them! We got to remember those years!” Looking up at him I said, “Do you also see the ones we bought on our trips? We can’t forget those times!” Picking up another one tenderly that showed the smiling faces of our grand children, I proclaimed, “Of course, we have to keep the ones of the pictures of the grandchildren. I’ll never get rid of them. No Way!”… I continued to stare at them and finally said,All of these have too many memories!” 

I turned my head and looked up at him and said, “I can’t get rid of most of these. They have precious times from your childhood, our children’s childhoods, our friends and family and our trips. We have to keep them!” 

My practical husband said, “How are we going to put all of them on our four foot tree?” To which I said, “I will layer them! I’ll put more than one on each bough! To which he said, “And take them off every year?” To which I countered, “No! We will leave them on! We will cover the tree and put it into the room off the garage! We won’t have to take them off anymore! All we will have to do is remove the cover and carry it into the house. It will become our not only Christmas Tree but our Memory Tree! Yea!” 

So, that is what we did. We now take our four foot model Memory tree out every year but still manage to buy a new ornament to celebrate the past year. (I find a place for it somewhere). It may not look as classy as the decorated trees I see in the department stores or some homes but, for me and Wilton, it’s the beautiful memories that make it classy. And, it is a reminder of the birth of the Glorious Christ Child that gave me so many memories and my REASON FOR THE SEASON and for evermore! God bless you, dear ‘LifeBeats’ this joyous time.

If you or someone you know, has had similar experiences and want to talk to someone, they can contact Dawne at 1-833-644-3600. She is a compassionate and effective professional with years of experience helping families, individuals and children. For more information click CONTACT option at top of page.


#LifeBeatsCorner #CreativeWriting #Inspiration #DrummerGirl #Hope #Acceptance #Happy #Joy #Peace #HealthyFamily #Overcoming #Emotions #Marriage #Acceptance #Recovery #Whole #Past #Truth #Real #Transparency#SelfHelp #Goodlife #Prayer#Spiritual #Depression #Abandonment#Dysfunctional #Sadness #Resentment #Living #Freedom


Layers Removed For Us

Happy hearing the good news of answered prayer, fly fishing with a friend at a distant lake, finally getting the longed and prayed for job… day to you.  

All sighs of happy relief beats!

Layers Removed For Us 

Leaves of Pain

Dear ‘LifeBeats’ friends,

The last reflection of ACORNS OF LIFE… One Leaf at a Time, reminded me of a small letter I wrote to Jesus many years ago in appreciation after a time of the layered leaves of hurt, anger, disappointment, hopelessness, fear, etc, being removed from my soul. Since I had a troublesome childhood and then later in life more negative experiences, my emotional leaves of pain were heavy within me.

As you will recall, the damaging emotional leaves form because of traumatic, unsought, hurtful events in our lives. We all can experience these wearisome times on our journeys through life. Many times they form in our childhoods as I recounted in ACORNS OF LIFE of my young daughter’s experience with her brother and myself in SECRET PLACE con’t . Even though some happenings can seem simple and childish while others much more serious, the events can form roots of anger, non safety, anxiety and feeling alone. They can become leaves of pain. 

But, I’ve got good news! When He removes the layers within us, He does it for both us and HIM! You may ask, Him? How does He receive anything from helping me with my messes of the past? How does it benefit Him? He doesn’t have any messes!” Understandable question, since He is the great God Almighty. 

“How could He even care about my little stress filled life?” Another understandable question. He WANTS us free from the pains (layers) of the past so we can feel His presence today. He died so we would feel His all consuming love for us. He longs for us to know He will show us the way out of our darkness. When the afflicting, troublesome, memories are within us, our spirits can be hampered and weighed down by the assaults and anxiety.  

Maybe you will have your own leaves removed along with me. Perhaps you will even write your own letter of gratefulness to Him. All of our fallen leaves can join together as a beautiful blanket of thankfulness. The once unattractive, blemished leaves become offerings of praise to Jesus.

Let me present my letter in the hope it will draw you closer to Him. It was not written for it’s prized or perfect enunciation. It was written to Him from my heart. I don’t think He disapproves of it not being perfect. He just looks at our heart’s intent.

Layers Removed For Us

This letter is to You, Jesus, loving You for Your patient, healing work of inner healing, deliverance from the fears, anxieties and trials of the past and present. 

Each healing was a layer removed starting from the present time and unexpectedly reached back to my conception. 

With each layer healed, I loved and trusted You more. 

I entered Your shadow… Your garden.

 Your presence in the garden fills me with peace, love, hope and security. Nothing is worth leaving it. No emotion of the flesh be it anger, resentment, insult, fear, depression or worry is worth stepping away from Your presence.

Because of the layers removed, I can feel Your presence. It took each layer to be removed so I can feel Your Love already given and waiting. As each layer was healed, I moved closer to dwelling in Your ‘secret place’ and Your shadow.*

In Your shadow I feel joy, peace, happiness and love. I feel YOU. Thank You for removing my layers for ‘us’. For ‘us’ because I can feel Your sacrifice. For ‘us’ because You rejoice in my receiving Your Love kept waiting since You spoke Your glorious, parting words from the cross… 


You truly healed the bruised and delivered the captive in me… for US.

Thank You, my Jesus, for answering my prayers for healing… for wholeness You removed each layer and the intimacy with You was and is being received.

It was waiting. You waited. I was waiting; not realizing it.

Thank You, my King, my love.

If you or someone you know, has had similar experiences and want to talk to someone, they can contact Dawne at 1-833-644 3600. She is a compassionate and effective professional with years of experience helping families, individuals and children. For more information click CONTACT option at top of page.


*Psalm 91:1 * John 19:30

#LifeBeatsCorner #CreativeWriting #Inspiration #DrummerGirl #Hope #Acceptance #Happy#Joy#Peace#HealthyFamily #Overcoming #Emotions#Marriage #Hope #Acceptance #Recovery #Whole #Past #SelfHelp #Goodlife #Prayer#Spiritual #Depression #Abandonment #Dysfunctional #Sadness #Resentment #Living #Freedom



Happy…feeling the warmth of a campfire on a cold evening, enjoying a cool, enjoyable breeze on a hot day, seeing the first star at night… LifeBeats day to you.


Dear ‘LifeBeats’ friends,

I  mentioned in my earlier writing entitled SECRET PLACE dated December 3, 2018 why I refer to our day-to-day experiences as ‘LifeBeats’. If we breathe, we have life experiences, some good, some bad, some happy, some sad. We all have our own ‘life beat’ occurrences. I will continue sharing some of my earlier life beat experiences as well as recent ones.

My husband and I were able to go to the beach recently. We hadn’t been to the ocean for a few years, so it was a real treat when our friends invited us. I loved watching the seagulls and pelicans fly overhead looking for any free handouts; or when these adept hunters actually had to ‘work’ for their food, plunge into the water head first retrieving the smaller fish and eliminate them with one gulp. Their constant squalls reminded me of children at a picnic constantly shrieking for food and attention.

As I felt the warmth of the sun and the gentle breeze on my face, I closed my eyes,  breathed in deeply and whispered, “Thank you, my King for creating this wonderful world to enjoy and experience Your handiwork.” I reached down and felt the warm sand, so fine it felt like white powder running through my fingers. My gaze extended to the water, slowly lapping on to the beach chasing the small birds waiting for any treasures that might have washed ashore. Their little, toothpick legs always outran the surf as though getting wet was the worst thing that could happen to them. The endless water that now was gentle could change and become fierce and fore-bolding. I was glad that day it was at peace allowing me to relax.

As I experienced those wonderful moments, my thoughts went to my Lord wanting to show Him my gratefulness and somehow give Him something… an offering. How can I give Him anything that He doesn’t already own or can create? I looked around as I sat in my chair, it’s legs partially buried in the soft, white sand and saw the many assorted shells mostly broken by their turbulent journey from the ocean floor and thought, I can give Him back what He gave to me! I became excited as I searched through the many colorful pieces. Each one was examined as to its beauty and completeness.

My husband’s expert eye dug through the sand finding some that weren’t broken. “Hey, this is a keeper! I’d like to keep this one!” “No, Hon, if we like this one, then He will too,” I replied with my head down still digging through the sand. He quickly placed it on our pile. I knew he agreed with me because his love for his Jesus is continual. He and I have been giving similar ‘offerings’ to our Lord over the years we have been on trips. It has almost become a tradition. The Rocky Mountains have their offerings of rocks, pinecones, cactus, fallen pine tree branches and wild flowers.

We continued making our ‘offering’ finding and placing small pieces of watery wood from the ocean’s floor into a rustic ocean arrangement. As we looked at our completed art work, we lowered our heads. While the screeching seagulls soared overhead, we prayed, “Lord, thank You for allowing us to be here to experience Your beauty. Please accept our offering to You. Each shell shows your beauty. Each piece of wood shows Your faithfulness. We love You, our King, so much. We give back to You, in this small way, our thanksgiving and gratefulness to be here to enjoyYou.” Staying with our heads lowered, eyes closed, each voicing our praise to Him, we felt His presence.   

After a while, we folded our chairs, traipsed through the soft, powdery sand and returned to our room. I tell you of this ‘LifeBeat’ because it is something we all can do. The ‘offering’ does not have to be large or elaborate but, can be simple and small. Our offering on the beach was not large to be observed by others, but we knew He knew right where it was and felt our hearts of love. Remember, He sees everything, knows our longings, disappointments and victories. He will see your ‘offering’ anywhere you go or any place you stay. He just loves and wants us to remember to appreciate and be grateful to Him.  

Why don’t all of us give an ‘offering’. It can be a handful of grass from our backyards along with one or two flowers that may be in bloom and twigs from our trees. Our trips to Colorado became an opportunity to give pine cones and branches, wild flowers, old tree wood, cactus and different colored rocks. The events can be limitless. Let’s just look for opportunities to thank Him. Remember, don’t be hesitant if you think, I don’t think this is grand enough. I don’t want to insult Him because it is too small. He reads our hearts. If we are to give Him larger offerings, He will tell us.   

We can be creative and also include our children with their delightful imaginations. They love doing this since their world involves creativity all the time. They will also be glad to presents their ‘gifts’ and form their own relationships with their Lord. It can be a wonderful family project or tradition. This is a small but, very huge in its impact way to say “thank You, Lord for this ‘LifeBeat’ today.”

If you or someone you know, has had similar experiences and want to talk to someone, they can contact Dawne at 1-833-644-3600. She is a compassionate and effective professional with years of experience helping families, individuals and children. For more information click CONTACT option at top of page.


#LifeBeatsCorner #CreativeWriting #Inspiration #DrummerGirl #SelfHelp#Hope#Acceptance#Happy#Joy #Peace#HealthyFamily#Overcoming#Emotions#Marriage#Recovery#Whole#Past#Truth#Real#Goodlife #Marriage#Recovery#Transparency#Help#Relationships#Repair#Pray#Spiritual#Depression#Sadness# #Disfunctional#Happy#Joy#Peace#HealthyFamily#Overcoming#Emotions#Marriage#Recovery#Whole #Past#Abandonment#Sadness#Resentment#Living#Freedom


Happy…seeing white puffy clouds against a clear blue sky, watching chipmunks
race lightening speed over huge rocks running from each other and circling
hawks overhead, watching sunsets cast calming shadows over towering Pines…day to you. Happy beats!


One Leaf at a Time

Dear ‘LB’ friends,

My red haired little girl and I were in our backyard sitting on wooden steps next to a large Ligustrum bush having a delightful conversation about nature and it’s glorious beauty. We enjoyed our quiet times of discovery enjoying the gentle breeze.

At the very beginning of LIFE BEATS, I mentioned I would tell you of recent but also earlier life events. This is one when my daughter was approximately four years old. I tell you these because the ‘life’ application applies to all of us throughout our life journeys.

As we sat conversing and listening to the different birds singing their gay songs, I idly started pushing away accumulated leaves that had fallen from a nearby Oak tree. Underneath the somewhat damp leaves was an acorn sprouting it’s green growth.

Upon seeing it, I thought it might be a good visual example of our lives. I said, “Honey, do you see this little acorn?” Craning her little neck to see around me, she said “Yes.” I responded, “This little acorn is like us in a certain way” With a puzzled look in her bright blue eyes, she responded, “Like us? How?”

I replied holding back the leaves, “This is a baby tree. It doesn’t look like a tree yet. But, it’s roots are growing underneath the acorn. It’s trying to become big and strong. As it gets the proper water, air and sunshine, it will develop into a tree big enough to one day climb on it’s branches.” She continued to look at the small acorn still wondering how she was like a tree.

I continued, “We are like this acorn because when we are born, we don’t look like an adult but, like the acorn, when we with the proper food, water, exercise and especially love grow to full size; an adult who can become like a tree of righteousness.*

I continued, “But, do you see all the leaves on top of the acorn?” She nodded her curly red hair as I moved the leaves away from the acorn and continued. “Sometimes, as we grow, things happen in our lives that can stop us from becoming a beautiful tree of righteousness and tries to bury us, just like this acorn is buried by the leaves.”

She looked at me with a question in her deep blue eyes and asked “Like what?” I said, “Oh, it can be many things. Like when others are mean to us or hurt us with their words or actions and we get mad and don’t want to forgive them. We can start to get buried under our feelings of anger, resentment or even hurt.”

I then picked up a damp leaf off the small acorn and held it in my hand. “It can start out with one angry feeling at a time like this one leaf at a time covered the acorn.”

Her little body moved a little closer to me as she gazed ahead as if remembering something, “Like when Victor teases me with worms? I get so mad at him, I don’t want to forgive him sometimes.” I responded, “Yes, that can be an example.” She turned her head and looked at me with a question in her eyes,“What do we do?” I put my arm around her and said, “We ask Jesus to help us with our feelings. We ask Him to help us forgive others and also to forgive us for our angry feelings we have been holding.”

She then lowered her little head and prayed, “Jesus, please forgive me for not wanting to forgive Victor when he scares me with worms. I forgive him and please also help him TO STOP! I then gave her a big hug and said, “I am so proud of you and let me know when Vic tries to scare you and I will stop it.”

She smiled her infectious smile and with face beaming wanted to go in the house to play with her brother, the worm tormentor. Her little heart felt lighter. As I watched her run in and close the door, I lowered my head and prayed, “Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for showing us the acorn and letting it be an object lesson for us to draw closer to You. Please have Your hand upon my children all the days of their lives to be trees of righteousness for You.”

You might be thinking, that’s a cute story but, what does it have to do with me? Just as my daughter, at such a young age, recognized the leaves of resentment and hurt forming around her little life as a result of an unjust action to her tender soul, you may have the leaves of hurt, abandonment, thoughtless or purposeful unkind words or actions, possibly even cruelty experienced from a spouse, employer, parent, sibling, teacher, friend or stranger layering your soul. The list can be as endless as a human’s ability to hurt. We all have our stories of injustice.

You can do what she did. You can take the offense and the offender to Jesus asking Him to forgive you for the resentment and maybe even bitterness you feel toward him, her or them and ask Him to heal you and turn everything out for the good in your life. The scripture declares, All things work together for the good for those who love the Lord and are called according to His purpose. *

You may think, Wait a minute, ME forgive? You don’t know what he (she) did! Why do I have to be the one? If anyone does, he (she) should be the one! Understandable feelings, and God certainly knows what we feel. But, He knows what a trap it becomes for us to carry the resentment around in our tender souls. A trap that can progress to sickness or disease. The scripture in Matthew exhorts us to forgive men (women) their trespasses and our trespasses will be forgiven.*

We don’t think about what we have done wrong (trespasses) during our time of offense. Our thoughts normally concentrate on the wrongs of others and it’s understandable why we act the way we do…right? Our thoughts say to us, If It wasn’t because of what (he, she) did, I wouldn’t have behaved the way I did! Can you see the leaves layering?

The accumulated leaves can weigh us down causing sadness or depression. When you do forgive, the leaves slowly start to fall off, sometimes dramatically, other times one leaf at a time as the Lord reveals your heart. I have prayed many leaves off of my soul over the years.

There may be times that you need to have someone to tell of your experience. A caring person you can talk to will be listed at the bottom of this reflection. She can pray with or for you and help you walk through your journey to freedom.

I tell you this short story, so you can see there are messages and sermons all around us. We don’t have to wait until Sunday to hear them in church. Just ask the Lord for examples. Then listen and watch closely, you will be surprised what you find.

*Isaiah 61:3 KJV *Romans 8:28 KJV*Matthew 6:14,15 KJV

If you or someone you know, has had similar experiences and want to talk to someone, they can contact Dawne at 1-833-644-3600. She is a compassionate and effective professional with years of experience helping families, individuals and children. For more information click CONTACT option at top of page.



Secret Place

Happy…the smell of the clean air after a snowy day, the feel of warm breezes while walking at the sea shore, the sound of children playing ‘hide and seek’…day to you. Happy moments we could let slip away.

I will be sharing  happy beats so we can remember them together.

We have so many that are treasures.


Dear ‘LB’ friends,

I call you ‘LB’ because we all have our own life beats. If we breathe, we have life experiences, some good, some bad, some happy, some sad. My life has contained all of them and I want to share some of them with you.

I could just share the hard times, but that wouldn’t give the whole picture. I’m thrilled to say I found the One, the only One, who gave me answers to my many ‘whys’? I guess I shouldn’t say I found Him because He was there with me all the time. I just didn’t know it. Most of us don’t realize He’s with us. He’s only a prayer or a whisper away. I’m still in process or on a journey to know Him more. He, of course, is Jesus.

I mention my secret place on the logo because in the secret place is anywhere we pray and communicate with Him. While in my time of praying and listening, I, many times, get answers and direction. There is a scripture in Ps.91:1* that exhorts, ‘He that dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.’ The ‘secret place’ can seem elusive or hard to understand as to how to get there. At first it did for me. I had thoughts like, What in the world is a secret place? If it has to do with getting closer to God I want it, but how do I get there?

But, as I spent time in prayer, reading the Bible and just talking to Him daily, a  relationship grew within me. It didn’t happen overnight, but, it came. I started to trust and love Him. With joy I realized, as I felt His presence, I had entered His secret place. At all times, I felt His acceptance and love. I never felt condemned or unworthy; just the opposite, I felt uplifted and cherished. Our secret place to pray and seek the Lord can be anywhere we slow down and tune into Him from sitting outside on a bench to a darkened bedroom.

Many times, when I prayed, He talked to me with words of encouragement, love and direction. I began to treasure those times. Prayers got answered and I got more and more excited to be His child. I tell you this because the secret place is for all of us. He certainly wants us all to be there. This is why He created us; to fellowship and love Him. He longs to show His love to us. We may find it hard to believe that the tremendous God who runs the universe, actually cares for us or longs to love our little lives but, He does and it’s true. He doesn’t feel we are small or insignificant. To Him we are all special with our individual personalities and temperaments.

To begin, all we have to do is believe Jesus is Lord and receive Him in our hearts, turn away from any sins (that stuff we know we shouldn’t have done) and talk to Him. This may sound hard to some of us especially, if we have never prayed before. “How do I do it? I don’t know how to talk religion.” But, He waits and loves our attempts and understands everything about us. He doesn’t want ‘religion,’ but rather a relationship with Him. To others, it may sound too easy. We may say, “It’s too simple, too easy. There’s got to be a catch.” The same answer applies; He waits, listens and understands. We are all at different places in our journeys. The thing to remember is, we can trust Him. There’s other things to learn but for now, we have begun.

I’ll tell you, in later reflections, about my secret place, its beauty and comfort; why it was hard to trust Him and go from being a spiritual orphan to being His daughter. I’ll write to you about the many damaging, emotional layers developed while being raised in a dysfunctional family; how He graciously removed and healed the memories.

I’ll share a letter telling of my gratefulness to Him along with fun notes I’ve written of experiences of myself and others from a memory Christmas tree, yummy soup recipe (at least that’s what my grandson says), ‘offerings’ at the warm, sandy beach and the rugged beauty of the Colorado mountains with it’s special wildlife of a deer family I call Doe, Rae, Me, Buckaroo and Big Bubba along with an adorable chipmunk couple called Chip, Munk and their Chipetts. I will also be sharing about the trauma and sorrow of unexpected deaths of beloved family members, friends and pets. Also included will be small chapters of books and articles just to name a few.

It’s been quite a journey so far and I hope to help others with things I’ve learned along the way. I look forward to sharing them with you on a weekly basis…

Oh yes, let’s remember to look for those  happy beats moments.

Until next time ….


If you or someone you know, has had similar experiences and need to talk to someone, they can contact Dawne at (833) 644-3600 She is a compassionate professional with years of experience helping families, individuals and children. For more information click CONTACT option at top of page.


#LifeBeatsCorner #CreativeWriting #Inspiration #DrummerGirl #SelfHelp #Hope

Secret Place Cont.

Happy…watching an exciting football game with your friends, seeing your baby fall asleep in your arms at night, listening to chirping birds early in the morning…day to you. These beats have made me happy. Can you see it?



Dear LifeBeats friends

How are you today? I pray this will be a great day and week for you.

I mentioned my secret place in my reflection last year, March 26, 2018 and thought I would talk more about it. It’s so wonderful, it’s kind of hard to put in words. My, as well as your secret place, can be anywhere you want it to be from a chair in your bedroom, an outside bench, enough space in a closet or sitting on a hill overlooking a valley. It’s wherever you can have a place to talk to God.

During the relationship building time with Jesus; the time of praying, reading His word, the Bible and just talking to Him, I started to feel His presence of love, joy, peace, protection and acceptance. I mention those five words because they had been elusive to me. I knew the feelings of human love. I was married and felt my husband’s and childrens’ love and even though I never heard my Mom tell me she loved me, I knew she did; but, there was still a large, aching vacancy within my soul. I share the following with the hope it may help you or others who have had similar experiences.

In my childhood, peace was a prized possession. My Dad, being an alcoholic, brought the negative, fearful world of deprivation, lack and violence. As with most adult children of alcoholics (ACOA’s), I felt fearful, never peaceful or protected; not knowing and dreading what would happen that night… or any night.

Most of us would tell you how hard it is to trust others since we couldn’t trust or believe our parents would ‘be there’ for us, or even tell the truth. We kept hoping our care givers would change and even begged them; in hopes, if they did change, we could finally feel normal. But, in my case, they didn’t until disease and finally, death set in. So many wasted years for all of us.

But then again, as I think about it, the ACOA probably won’t tell you anything about themselves or their lives anyway, since there seems to be a ‘silence code’ of shame we adopted in order to exist with others. If the ‘good people’ knew what took place behind my closed doors, they surely wouldn’t want their children to be around me. I always felt like a child looking through the candy store window wanting so much to be a part of their lives with all its treasures, but not allowed to eat.

Everyone else seemed to be so happy and cared for; but, some of them aching deeply in their hearts, may have been playing the ‘silence code’ game… with smiles on their faces. I became good at the plastered smile and even thought everything was ok with me until the memories of my past arose unexpected and I had to deal with them.

Unfortunately, we don’t realize how our early years can affect our marriages, interactions with other people, child raising, employment, health and happiness. We bring our injured life into our new relationship with the Lord, not knowing how traumatized we really still are. It was hard for me to trust that He really would do what He said in His Word; that He loved me and would take care of me. But, He gently healed my heart, proved Himself over and over again and I began to slowly trust Him.

In the beginning, I was a spiritual orphan. I knew I had accepted Him as Savior and Lord but yet, still didn’t have peace. I grew to be His daughter, to abandon myself to love and trust Him with my life. I very… s – l – o – w – l – y… started to share my story and gradually began escaping the shame. It’s still hard to be transparent but, my resolve to help others still bound by their past, letting them know the love and delivering power of Jesus, propels me. Even though it has been years, the little girl within sometimes wants to hide with thoughts, What will ‘they’ think of me? I remind her, You dont have to be afraid anymore. I believe there are many of us with similar thoughts.

This message is not just for ACOA’s but for those who grew up in dysfunctional families that maybe never drank, or were violent; but, were bound in other ways. We all may have a part deep within us that experienced damage or pain emotionally, even physically leaving us feeling frightened, ashamed, lonely, angry or depressed. We might have been judged, criticized, abandoned, demeaned, ignored, as well as emotionally or physically abused. Our thoughts may be, Can anyone truly love me? The bottom line is, do we feel love, joy, peace, protection and acceptance? If not, we are all candidates.

I have received much healing from Jesus of the memories of those fearful days. When Jesus came into my heart, He began filling those vacancies. I felt the longed for feelings of those five illusive words… love, joy, peace, protection and acceptance. Each healing was a miracle for me, so I’ll take time to share them in other writings as well as a letter I wrote to Him in gratitude.

My secret place is a prized possession as it will be for you when you enter yours.

You can pray something like this,“Father, in Jesus name, I want to have a secret place with You. I want to fellowship with You and learn to love You more. Please direct me on my path of life. I’ve been trying to do life alone and haven’t done a very good job of it. Thank You for being my Lord.”

You have now begun. Jesus has heard and has been waiting. Don’t worry, His blessings are for everyone. He loves us all the same. The ‘good people’ aren’t His favorites. We are all His favorites.

you or someone you know, has had similar experiences and want to talk to someone, they can contact Dawne at 1-833-644-3600. She is a compassionate and effective professional with years of experience helping families, individuals and children. For more information click CONTACT option at top of page.


#LifeBeatsCorner #CreativeWriting #Inspiration #DrummerGirl #SelfHelp #Hope

I Know, I know

Happy…seeing little boys digging for worms to go fishing, hearing little girls giggle playing ‘make believe’, feeling love holding hands while walking with your ‘special someone’…day to you.

See…the happy beats are there!


Dear ‘LB’ friends,

I mentioned in my previous reflection entitled A MEAL FROM CAROLE, March 10, 2019, about a poem I wrote when my beloved Mom died. As I said in the reflection, I thought about her every day. When all you have is your grieving thoughts and so much love, all you can do is write about it. At least it was all I could do at the time. I have given this poem to others who have suffered a death in their family.

I had never written anything before that time. However, when I heard well meaning people say things like “You must not feel sad, she is with the Lord,” “The scriptures say rejoice and give thanks,” “All mankind must someday die,” I had to put my feelings in print.

I was tired of faintly smiling and nodding my head when all I wanted to do was cry and yell back, “You don’t understand! This was my Mom, the woman I tried to protect all my life! I didn’t want her to die! I want her to see her grandchildren grow up to be adults! I know they would love her like I do. It is not best for me!

I didn’t yell back at them because I knew they meant well. I didn’t want to hurt anyone. But, I attempted to put some of my feelings in words. It is a small, free verse poem and not well done but I got out some of my grief. I feel like we ‘LBs’ understand. We all have had similar experiences. Well meaning people trying to comfort  us with words that didn’t reach our pain. Maybe you also need to put down in words your sorrow.

If no one reads it except you or if many read your words, all that matters is you release your soul’s pain. Who cares if it is not perfect English or well punctuated? This is for your healing. Jesus doesn’t critique us. He doesn’t care if we cross our Ts or dots our Is.  He reads and feels our hearts. He is acquainted with sorrow and also came to bind up the broken hearted*…us.

You can pray a short or much longer prayer but it can be something like this, “Jesus, I present to you my grief when_________ died. Please heal me of my pain. These are just a few words to express myself. I feel so much more but, You know them because You read and know my heart. Thank You, I want to love You more.” You then write your words to Jesus expressing your feelings.

Here, now, was my attempt. Even though it isn’t perfectly written, I have passed it on to others. Sometimes, long with my prayers, it was all I had to give to those who were grieving. You can substitute the “she” for “he” when applicable.

* Luke 4:18 KJV

you or someone you know, has had similar experiences and want to talk to someone, they can contact Dawne at 1-833-644-3600. She is a compassionate and effective professional with years of experience helping families, individuals and children. For more information click CONTACT option at top of page.


#LifeBeatsCorner #CreativeWriting #Inspiration #DrummerGirl #SelfHelp #Hope


“Hunder Don’t Be So Loud!”

Happy…the snow stops just in time for the game, seeing the flowers respond to an afternoon shower, hearing the birds welcoming the new morning with their songs of praise… day to you.

Oh, the happy beats!


Dear ‘LB’ friends,

How are you today? I pray your days have love, purpose, and blessing. I mentioned before I would recount my life beats of earlier as well as present. This beat is when my granddaughter was a little girl. We can learn so much from these precious little people.

I, of course, loved her with all my heart. How could I not with her wavey dark hair and dancing brown eyes? Her delightful presence just seemed to light up the room she was in with her contagious laughter. She was, and still is, our lightbulb and lights up all of our lives. But, to continue, as a child, it was hard to put her down for a much needed nap because she felt her little world had so much excitement, there wasn’t time to ‘waste’ on being still. She might miss something!  I’m sure many of you have similar precious little ones.

One weekend, my husband and I babysat our little three year old whirlwind while her parents attended a meeting. All went well, she didn’t cry when they left (whew). I played her favorite games, laughed when she found me during hide and seek, crawled on the floor under the dining room table (she giggled when I hit my head), read books and made sure I made spaghetti with lots of parmesan cheese, her favorite meal.

All went well until it started to rain and thunder.  While we were at the kitchen table eating dinner, a particularly loud clap of thunder occurred. She jerked her head, looked up with wide, frightened, brown eyes at the window, jumped out of her booster seat, ran to me landing on my lap with her back to the window pressing her little body as close to me as she possibly could burying her head into my neck. I put my arms around her, holding her close. She clung to me with her adorable arms around my neck in a vice-like grip looking over her shoulder at the window every time the thunder roared.

While she clutched me, I wondered as to what I could do to appease her fear knowing, due to her young age, I couldn’t explain the physical dynamics of thunder so she could understand (or care) why it occurred. I knew I had to do something. She couldn’t be tormented by thunder during her young life.

I found myself saying, while I looked toward the window, “Thunder, don’t be so loud!” I spoke a little louder,“Thunder don’t be so loud!” With even more volume, Thunder don’t be so loud!”  She looked at me and began to calm down. I then said to her, “Now, you say it!”  Still holding on to me, she uttered in her little child-like voice, while looking at the window, Hunder, don’t be so loud!” I said, “Good, now say it a little louder.” She then said a little louder Hunder, don’t be so loud!” Still feeling fear in her clutched arms around my neck, I said, “louder!” Then, with a new found confidence and more volume, Hunder, don’t be so loud!” I said, “Good…again.” She relaxed her grip, faced the window but, still staying close to my body, once again, this time even louder, yelled with her new found strength,”Hunder don’t be so loud!”

I joined her, “Hunder, don’t be so loud!” While the storm blew its fury, we talked to it. She began to laugh her contagious joy. We laughed together telling the thunder claps to not be so loud and before long the twinkle was back in her eyes. Since that day, she hasn’t been tormented by natures’ changing weather.

You may be thinking, that’s a cute story, but what does it have to do with me? We all have storms in our lives that thunder out its fear for us to accept and be tormented. They may be as large as a pending divorce or, unfortunately, the divorce may have already occurred, or a lengthly illness, a child or spouse away from God, a financial problem, being downsized or fired from a job or the ultimate storm, the death of a loved one.

There can be so many different disruptions (storms) in our lives. We don’t jump into someones lap (even though we want to) but, we still feel the anxiety. Even as I write this, you may be thinking of the thing or things that has controlled you. If it is not you, you may know someone that has this concern. Fear and pain from the past and worry about the future are the underlying cause for most of our actions and reactions.

The good news is Jesus has already calmed the storms in our lives. He says. “Fear nothing for I am with you, be not afraid, for I am your God. I strengthen you. I help you, I support you with my victorious right hand.” Isaiah 41:10 AMPC 

You may be thinking, How do I do this?. Remember my precious three year old? She didn’t hesitate to run to protection. She leaped into my lap knowing she would be safe. Jesus has a big lap that can support all of us. We can bury our face into His neck as His loving arms wrap around us. We can be safe. He has already given us His word on it.

I have jumped into His spiritual lap many times. This is what you do. When the storms howl, you pray and even envision holding on to Him seeing His arms around you, “Father, in the name of Jesus, I’m frightened and I don’t know what to do. But, You know everything and I need Your wisdom.  I give this fear, this apprehension, this pain, this loss over to you. You have said in your Word I am not to fear. You will strengthen me. You will help me. You will support me because You are my God and You love me. I give ____________ over to you and I will trust You with it. It is too big for me to carry and I thank You for being my loving Father that I can take all my cares and put them into Your victorious right hand. I want to love you more.”

This is our beginning. Then when the fear thoughts clap their thunder, we reaffirm our position of trust in Him “I thank You Lord for working this out for me. I won’t look at the storm but I will keep trusting in You.” You might have to say it a few times, sometimes more than just a few; but, don’t stop! He will help you. He is our Shepherd and He will take care of us, His sheep.

Let’s remember the words of a precious child. “Hunder, don’t be so loud!  My Jesus is with me.” 

Until next time …

If you or someone you know, has had similar experiences and want to talk to someone, they can contact Dawne at 1-833-644-3600. She is a compassionate and effective professional with years of experience helping families, individuals and children. For more information click CONTACT option at top of page.


#LifeBeatsCorner #CreativeWriting #Inspiration #DrummerGirl #SelfHelp #Hope

Twenty-Four Hours

Happy…hearing the laugh of a baby, seeing the joy of discovery of a child playing with a new toy, feeling peace looking at a beautiful sunset… Happy, happy beats.

Let’s be grateful for this day!


Dear ‘LB’ friends,

It may seem like a normal day of hurry, not enough time to complete everything, cleaning up messes, discord with other people in our small stamp called ‘life’, dealing with sick children or ourselves, working in a position that we don’t like or feel appreciated, having to attend a school with boring subjects , etc.,… but, this is a day that will only be here for twenty-four hours. It’s a day we won’t live again.

Yes, there will be other days, but they will not contain all of today. The weather’s wind will blow differently, gentle or strong. The sun shines a little less or a little more making the air colder or warmer. The people with whom we are in contact won’t normally wear the same clothes or say the same words good or bad. A child’s laugh is always different but its’ reward, if taken time to hear, enriches our souls. A dog barking in the distance can be irritation to some, but a joy to hear by the owners who felt their pet was lost. 

The sound of a loved one’s voice can be taken for granted with thoughts, They will be here tomorrow. I don’t have time to listen nowwill they? A husband or wife hurriedly gives a quick peck on the lips of their spouse before they depart for work, school or travel, because it is just another day. We may think, I’ll give a better kiss tomorrow… will you? The children won’t have the same ‘boo boo’ that needs to be kissed to make their world feel safe and secure. There will be more boo boos tomorrow, they are always hurting themselves… will there? The older children won’t have the exact same homework that needs to be helped and quizzed. The college age children won’t have the same need for finances or wisdom. 

The floors won’t need to be mopped or vacuumed. The grass won’t need to be mowed. The house won’t need to be painted in the same place. The mounds of work at the office won’t be to the same degree of weariness the next day… may be less or more.

All these are our todays and we let them slip away. I did. I thought, like everyone else, It’s just another day. There’s time to take care of ‘it or that’ tomorrow. I spent many years not realizing the value of this twenty-four hours. The kids grow up (no more boo boos to kiss), school papers to check or wisdom to give. Loved ones die (can’t hear their treasured voices tomorrow), the realization of many kisses left unfelt by the spouse because of being too busy… or upset. All of the chores around the house that needed to be done then, has to be done all over again.

Let’s agree together to enjoy this twenty-four hours, for, it is unique and ours!  The scripture declares, ‘This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it.’* To remember that the Lord has given us this day will bring Him pleasure for His gift of life to us. We can give Him something back…our receiving it in thanksgiving and gratefulness.

Yea to our day!

Until next time….

*Psalms 118:24 AMP

If you or someone you know, has had similar experiences and want to talk to someone, they can contact Dawne at 1-833-644-3600. She is a compassionate and effective professional with years of experience helping families, individuals and children. For more information click CONTACT option at top of page.


#LifeBeatsCorner #CreativeWriting #Inspiration #DrummerGirl #SelfHelp #Hope

Two Pots Of Love

Happy…kittens playing with bright colored yarn, reading an intriguing book hoping it will turn out the way you want and delighting when it does, drinking a cold drink at a warm summer picnic… day to you. 

Remember these happy beats?


Dear ‘LB’ friends,


Even though Thanksgiving and Christmas have come and gone and we can look forward to them again this year, I have a tradition that can be applied at any time of the year. 

Turkey with all the trimmings is my husband’s favorite meal. He enjoys every bite, so every year I try to get a turkey that is organic or as close to it as possible ranging from twelve to eighteen pounds, even if it is just the two of us. There is a reason for this. It has to with ‘two pots of love’.

We all have our own way of presenting the turkey. The TV programs normally show a woman bringing out a large whole turkey cooked to a perfect shade of brown as everyone says “Awe” showing smiles of approval. Everyone sitting at the table has stylish clothes and the children are well behaved and immaculate. The camera continues to span showing the displayed table full of delicious sides.

The TV version was not lost on me. I tried to do as I saw it done because I wanted to see beaming, clean faces at the table as they patiently waited for me to present the longed for prize. But, it didn’t turn out quite the same. The turkey didn’t look quite as delicious. Some times it was too brown, falling off the bone while everybody was starved so there wasn’t time to appreciate it with “Awe’s.”

The children had normally been outside playing so their clothes and faces weren’t spotless or beaming. They were fidgety, (probably due to low blood sugar) and had to be told“Settle down!” ruining the TV version of happy, patient and appreciative. I was tired from all the fixing and as I looked around the table and kitchen, I realized with a sinking feeling, I have to clean up all of this!

I said to myself, “I’ve got to do it another way!” I came up with the plan to cook the turkey the day before I wanted to have the meal. After it was baked and cooled to touch, I cut the turkey off the bones and separated the white meat from the dark and put the amount I wanted for the meal on a large glass platter. I put the extra meat in a container for future meals, sandwiches etc. Covering all securely, I then put the cooked meat in the refrigerator to take out the following day but also saved all the bones for another day which I will tell you about later.

It was still tiring since I tried to make as many sides as I could the day before the big meal. But, the good part was I cleaned up all the mess. All the treasured bones (yes, treasured) were in a bowl in the refrigerator to be used later.

So, when meal day arrived, all I had to do was warm up the turkey, make gravy or warm broth and put it on a long counter in the kitchen. The sides were warmed and everything became buffet style. When the counter was full of sides, pies and rolls, we all went into the kitchen, held hands and gave thanks to God for His abundance to us. It’s interesting, the kids didn’t need to be told “Settle down!” They ate earlier, everybody was excited to be together and I wasn’t as tired.

Now to the reason for the title to this reflection, TWO POTS OF LOVE. Remember when I called the turkey bones a treasure? Let me tell you why. After I started studying natural health and read the value of bone broth for the body especially the joints, I began boiling turkey bones, chicken or any meat bones.

To make sure I have plenty of liquid for the turkey broth, I put a good amount of water in the baking pan when I cook the turkey and save the broth. I boil the bones in a large pot with water covering them almost to the top. Putting a small amount of Bragg Apple cider vinegar in the liquid to leach out the healthy nutrients, they boil at low heat for two to three hours. I then take the bones out of the pot and put them in a bowl to cool. 

Next, I take remaining meat off the boiled bones and discard them. Be careful of any small bones left from the mixture. There can be a lot of turkey meat left on the bones. You’ll be surprised how much you’ll have left. Many times I’ve had a good size bowl full.

Saving the liquid from the boiled bones, I proceed to make delicious, healthy, very economical soup. Putting in all turkey from bones and some from the meal along with poultry seasoning plus noodles, rice or quinoa along with vegetables like onions, green beans, lima beans, corn, peas or anything else that sounds good, it is complete. There is usually enough for two large pots. I freeze one of the pots to be used for another meal or give away to someone and keep the remaining one to be eaten that day. If I need more liquid, I add organic chicken broth to the soup mixture.

This is where the love comes in. First, it takes valued time to do all the preparation. But, the soup has become a sought for meal from my family. In the busy world of cans and frozen foods, it is a hit. One pot can be eaten by my husband (who says he loves it) and myself and the other one becomes a treat for the family.

My grand daughter normally eats two to three bowls at a sitting. I got an idea as to it’s taste importance when one year, my ten year old grandson (at that time) spoke a phrase he learned from school that I didn’t exactly know how to reply. You’ll understand when I continue.

Throughly enjoying his soup with head bent over his bowl, he said to himself, (but we at the table heard his words), “Screw that other stuff, this is good! Grandmama, please make this soup again!” I didn’t want to take away his total enjoyment by saying “Uh, honey, another word might be more table friendly” so, I just said “Of course, I will.” To which he said,“Good” as he raised his head with a full grin on his young, handsome face.

So, what could I do? Did I tell you he has hazel eyes with long, dark eye lashes that melts your heart when he smiles at you? Because I love them all, I make two pots of turkey, vegetable soup…Two Pots of Love!

The scripture says …”as you do unto the least of these my brethren, you do unto Me.”* I feel Jesus would be pleased with everyones enjoyment of His abundance of nourishing food and love in the form of a warm, healthy cup of soup. 

Lets enjoy our times with those we love… those ‘happy beats!

Until next time….

If you or someone you know, has had similar experiences and want to talk to someone, they can contact Dawne at 1-833-644-3600. She is a compassionate and effective professional with years of experience helping families, individuals and children. For more information click CONTACT option at top of page.

*Mathew 25:40


#LifeBeatsCorner #CreativeWriting #Inspiration #DrummerGirl #SelfHelp #Hope