Happy… smelling home made soup simmering on the stove, anticipating going out on a romantic date, appreciating having a much needed babysitter for the evening… day to you.
Ah, yes, I feel those happy beats.
Dear ‘LB’ friends,
Closing out this year, I was thinking about what to share. I thought, once again, about the Little Drummer Boy; all He had to share was the beat of his drum. As I relived the melody, I heard the stanza of the beat of his drum… 🎵PaRumPaPumPum, RumPumPaPum. It’s a catchy beat but, once again, a message can be overlooked.
Even though we have celebrated Christmas, we can heed to a needful reminder that can be applied to our new year. It definitely is a reminder for me. The drummer boy gave his message to the infant King by the sounds of his drum; his communication. Each beat told of his love and adoration; what a simple, but profound way, to express his heart.
This simple gesture can cause us to reflect on our communications. Have we ever thought about the fact we give messages everyday to others in meetings at work, home with our families, or our friends through different mediums on the phone, texting, emailing, face time or in person? Also we can consider the many strangers we pass in our cars, those at the grocery store while we hurriedly push our grocery carts, accidentally bumping into each other at malls or athletic events.
What is our ‘RumPumPa Pum’ we give to them? It is surely a message of some sort. I believe, in our hearts, we want to be a bearer of good news and tidings; but, life gets stressed and people react with tension, anxiety and anger. Their ‘RumPumPa’ messages to us with our reactionary messages to them and others loses our hearts desire to be a blessing. It becomes a reactionary cycle that gets carried out in days, months and even years. We wake up one day and think, How did I get here? I don’t want to be a negative person. I don’t want others to think of me that way. I haven’t always been like this. I remember being happy and excited about life. What happened?
If we think about it long enough, we can trace back when our hearts began to change from a carefree child to a disgruntled adult. Our reflections may reveal held on offenses for some injustices done to us. The perpetrators have long since moved on with their lives but, we are left with the negative, mental baggage. Sound familiar?
We are all in this together. But, we also have to remember, we could have been the perpetrator and didn’t realize it. There have been times I have found out that I wounded another without taking the time to measure my words. The unfortunate thing is, years go by with more layers being added to our wounded souls. We then wake up one day and think, what happened?
But, there is good news. We can break out of the negative, deadly cycle. I say deadly because of the damage that occurs with detrimental thoughts, words and actions. Do you know negative, resentful, bitter thoughts are toxic? All our thoughts get recorded in our brains and get transmitted to our whole body and can result in disease. I’ll talk more about its impact on our bodies in other reflections.
The scripture exhorts us to guard our hearts with all diligence for out of it proceeds the issues of life.* Guarding our hearts means to basically think about what we are thinking. Are our thoughts good, peaceful, loving, edifying and encouraging? Or has our hearts gotten wrapped with stress, anger, resentment and fear because of people and events in life. When we chronically think on the negative side, our bodies react with many of diseases so common today.
So, let’s purpose, in our new year, to watch our thoughts and communications. Receiving Jesus into our lives, reading His Word, learning to love Him and asking for His enabling to change, can break us out of the deadly, negative words cycle. He waits for us to ask. It is our ‘PaRumPaPumPum’ beating out the messages of our heart.
Until next time….
*Proverbs 4:23
If you or someone you know, has had similar experiences and want to talk to someone, they can contact Dawne at 1-833-644-3600. She is a compassionate and effective professional with years of experience helping families, individuals and children. For more information click CONTACT option at top of page.
#LifeBeatsCorner #CreativeWriting #Inspiration #DrummerGirl #SelfHelp #Hope